Real life rendering.. integration from dirt to homes
Real life rendering.. integration from dirt to homes
2000 Wolfe St,
North Vancouver
As the Pre-construction manager, I successfully oversaw and secured a one-acre parcel, creating 5 RS-1 lots within an impressive 14 months.
My role involved designing the pie-shaved lots and hammerhead cul-de-sack integration. Collaborating and directing municipal meetings with our list of consultants including, Geotechnical Eng, Arborist, Environmental, Survey, Civil Eng, and Street light Eng. Further organizing Offisite Utilities; BC Hydro, Roger, Telus, Fortis
I also played a key role in creating valuable marketing materials, such as Stack Decks, Website and Instagram design boards to enhance the project's visibility to a wider marketplace.
Currently, the project is in the design stages for the homes and the city is reviewing the final Civil/offsite drawings. Servicing is to start in October and house construction is set to begin in February 2024.
Project Team
Creus Civil Engineering
Robert Blaney Designs
Target Surveyors
Faddum and Associates Vegetation/ Arborists
Barsanti Environmental, Stream Side/ QEP
Terrane Group, Geotehcnical